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The Core Value of CSA
The Pyramid of Success - The Core Values of CSA
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Ten core values have led CSA Consultants to be one of the most respected professional and technical consultant teams in California representing school districts, community colleges, city, counties, and other public agencies.  We have minimized conflicts of interest by holding to these values and in representing only public agencies thereby allowing us to represent our clients in the decision-making and public/private partnership negotiations that best serve our clients intentions and expectations

The conduct, character, attitude, competency, and quality of excellence based on a high level of work product and a high standard of ethics and behaviorhe conduct, character, attitude, competency, and quality of excellence based on a high level of work product and a high standard of ethics and behavior

Accountability - 

An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility and to purposefully disclose ones conduct or actionsn obligation or willingness to accept responsibility and to purposefully disclose ones conduct or actions


Demonstrating the values of high morals and ethics, honesty and trustworthiness, and adherence to a professional code of performance  


The quality of state of presenting information form a place of disclosure, completeness, visibility and accessibility


Exercising the skills to provide direction or guidance that will gain buy-in and support

To work jointly with others or together, especially in intellectual endeavors recognizing that with disagreement comes solutionso work jointly with others or together, especially in intellectual endeavors recognizing that with disagreement comes solutions


The quality of producing or bringing about a course of action or behavior through imaginative skill-setshe quality of producing or bringing about a course of action or behavior through imaginative skill-sets


Being able to adapt to new, different or changing requirements or situations to attain the highest good


Acting in anticipation of future problems needs and changes in an assertive manner consistent with the objectives sought

pursuing new ideas, methods and strategies and thinking “out-of-the-box
"Personal leadership is the process of keeping your vision and values before you, and aligning your life to be congruent with them."

-- Stephen Covey